viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

Entrada Semanal de Temática Libre.

When people ask me what kind of television I usually watch I have to think what to say about it because lately, society has that habit to say whatever it comes to their minds and not to respect our preferences when they're not the same as theirs.

What I'm trying to explain with this is how people judge you without knowing you yet only for watching certain TV shows or movies, or even for doing things they don't. I like to watch Big Brother thusdays at night, so what? Are you better than me because you don't like it and you don't watch it? Am I a worse human being? I watch TV "junk" shows in order to entertain myself, not to please you and do what you like.

But, what I really enjoy over all this controversy is how hypocrite people are. Most of them (not all, luckyly) are always complaining everywhere about what to see or not to see, but I don't see them watching sciencitific shows or documentaries at all, so what are they complaining for?

In conclusion, you have to do what you want, without thinking about what people could say about, because you are the one who in the end is watching it and enjoying it, so let them say anything they want and ignore it, because, ironically, in the end, you are even better than they are!

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